
Special Skills

I’m convinced we are all gifted with a full set of skills (insert Liam Neeson’s meme here 😆 ). Normal and ….”special” ones. We are not even aware of most of them, but as time goes by, we discover some of them. The rest keeps hidden from us, lying underneath, maybe during all our lives.

Regarding my job (CG, projects, clients, or anything related to computers), I’ve discovered a couple of those skills so far.
One: I have a special tendency to update my wordpress site JUST THE DAY BEFORE they release the newest update. And it sucks.
Two: Just like most of us, when I have some spare time, between commissioned jobs, or after finishing a difficult one, I usually work on personal projects. It’s good for my soul and my mental health. I have dozens of them: some of them will never be finished…but most of them are cursed (or should I say “blessed”?): EVERY TIME I start working on them, someone calls and a new job comes in.
I know I should give thanks for that, but….it also sucks not being able to finish them.

This is one of those renders: a comissioned job that was delivered more than a year ago, but I saw potential on it and I wanted to improve it my way. 1 done – 7 more to go.

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