



INFORMATION Client: Anzur de Molduras Interior Design and Art Direction: Alex Ruano CG: Alex Ruano Quite often a customer asks for something surprising, something that I do not usually do, or even never have done. In this case, they asked me to make a pellet bag of wood, the perfect format for being sold as fuel for domestic heating stove. So after a little bit of R&D, I ended up delivering these renders. Honestl
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Hana Residential

INFORMATION Client: Altecnic Interior Design and Art Direction: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos & Alex Ruano CG: Alex Ruano Hana Residential. Located in Huerta Rosales, one of the areas with the most growth and future potential in Badajoz city. Complete project with exteriors, garden, and community pool, interiors, and 360-degree views. Please click on the 1st image for some 360º views. No plugin needed, just your brow
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Senda Interiors

INFORMATION Client: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos & Famdoral Interior Design and Art Direction: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos CG: Alex Ruano A couple of years ago I finished and delivered the exterior of Senda Building in Don Benito, Badajoz, Spain. It was a quite challenging integration. This year I was asked to produce some interiors of that same building, now that the construction works (and sales) are imminent. I hop
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PC Dressing Room

INFORMATION Client: Pedro C. Design and Art Direction: Pedro C. & Alex Ruano CG: Alex Ruano It’s not usual that a client become a friend, but this is the case. After many years working for him (or the company he works for, I should say), I’ve helped him to re-decorate his house with several interiors. This is one of them, a dressing room using wooden wardrobes manufactured by his own company. I hope y
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Reyes Pharmacy

INFORMATION Client: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos Design and Art Direction: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos CG: Alex Ruano It’s a long time since I posted my last project, and even though it may seems I’ve taken a veeeery long vacation, I haven´t. Proof of that is this small project, finished and delivered several months ago. Reyes Pharmacy, located in Don Benito (Spain). Quite a challenge that night integration! &
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INFORMATION Client: Anzur de Molduras Design and Art Direction: Pedro Cidoncha CG: Alex Ruano During the last few years I’ve colaborated with Anzur de Molduras doing hundreds of images. Mainly doors and several other pieces they needed for their catalogs. In this ocasion, they asked for full CG scenes to show several models of doors in a real environment. So, following their instructions and references, this is
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Madrid Apartments

INFORMATION Client: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos Design and Art Direction: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos CG: Alex Ruano Another project I’ve been working on, finished and delivered several months ago. Madrid Apartments building, located in Don Benito (Spain), next to Parque Hospital.
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Senda Building

INFORMATION Client: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos & Famdoral Interior Design and Art Direction: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos CG: Alex Ruano One of the latest projects I’ve been working on, finished and delivered a couple of months ago. Senda Building in Don Benito, Badajoz, Spain. It consisted in a quite challenging integration, and several 3d plans. During the last 20 years I guess I’ve done over a TRILLION of th
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Field shelf

INFORMATION Client: 95 Estudio Design and Art Direction: Alex Ruano CG: Alex Ruano In order to show some mood for one of their projects, I made several look & dev renders for 95 Estudio. This one passed the final test. BTW, you can buy the iron shelf 3d model HERE.
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INFORMATION Client: Cruz Corrales Interior Design and Art Direction: Cruz Corrales CG: Alex Ruano Manoli Cruz from Cruz Corrales Estudio de Arquitectura asked me for help with her Master’s Dissertation, in order to visualize her vision of this space, the restoration of an old factory. Watching her sketches, plans and references, I just couldn’t say no. Without any doubt, one of the most unique projects I&
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Edificio Plaza

INFORMATION Client: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos Interior Design and Art Direction: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos CG: Alex Ruano One of the latest projects I’ve been working on, finished and delivered a couple of months ago. Located in downtown Don Benito, just in front of Rafael Moneo’s Cultural Arts Center.
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INFORMATION Client: Tecnicasa Interior Design: Neubau Estudio & Alex Ruano CG: Alex Ruano Some images finished and delivered from my latest project: HV24 building, apartments located in Badajoz, Spain.
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