


Senda Interiors

INFORMATION Client: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos & Famdoral Interior Design and Art Direction: Arias y Ramos Arquitectos CG: Alex Ruano A couple of years ago I finished and delivered the exterior of Senda Building in Don Benito, Badajoz, Spain. It was a quite challenging integration. This year I was asked to produce some interiors of that same building, now that the construction works (and sales) are imminent. I hop
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Mundos Digitales 2012 (II)

As I said on my previous post, I didn’t have time to go on “tourist mode” during Mundos Digitales 2012 in La Coruña, Spain. We spent 4 days all in a hurry. It was like: wake up-breakfast-conferences-lunch-conferences-night party …..and start over again. (No regrets at all, by the way :)) But it’s a shame these are the only photographs I could take. None of them do justice to the city. All of them are from
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